Francisco Bicudo

Great gardeners
Mathematical models reconstruct the seed-dispersing role by now-extinct animals

Allies for an antidotal serum
Medicinal plants may reduce local lesions caused by a jararaca snakebite

Treatment for bee stings
Compounds that reduce the effects of bee venom are undergoing tests
By Francisco Bicudo and Ricardo Zorzetto

Movements under control
Compounds appear to reduce a serious side effect of Parkinson’s treatment
Friendly chaos
Apparently disorganized behaviors may benefit living beings and chemical reactions
Neurological development

On satiation and other pleasures
Cells control hunger and activate the neural reward mechanisms
Cellular biology

The clone’s heritage
Cellular reprogramming error redirects animal reproduction studies
Evolutionary biology

The pioneers of South America
Brazilian marsupials came before Australian kangaroos on the evolutionary scale
Primary immunodeficiencies

When the thymus gland is unwell
Extra copy of the gene harms the cells that defend against Down syndrome
By Francisco Bicudo and Ricardo Zorzetto

Forest of pearls
In the Mata Atlantica rainforest, 59% of the trees are rare and may disappear

Polluted paradise
Canal has made it easier to spread heavy metals along southern São Paulo coast

Tricks of a seducer
Male harvestmen that take care of the eggs and attract the attention of females

The alphabet of vision
Signals that conduct the information from the eyes to the brain of flies

Body at the limit
Physical exercise protects the organism
By Francisco Bicudo and Ricardo Zorzetto
Men in the spotlight
Masculine sexual health helps to contain a virus linked to uterus cancer