Good practices
Falsification of sources in research projects
Falsification of sources in research projects
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Cell differentiation
The two photos above show the in vitro transformation of eucalyptus “stem cells” (on the left) into tracheids, cells that control the wood forming process (on the right). Pedro Barrueto, a researcher at the Luiz de Queiroz School of Agriculture (Esalq/USP), was able to bring about the differentiation by treating the material with a hormone.... View Article
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Why are the whales dying?
Study identifies bone abnormalities commonly found in humpback whales
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Good practices
Manual for the identification of poor conduct
Manual for the identification of poor conduct
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Radiation dosimeter uses light emissions
Radiation dosimeter uses light emissions
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Ask the Researchers
Ask the Researchers
If whales can communicate with one another, do they have a language
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Recent thematic and Young Investigator projects
Projects contracted between October and November 2012
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Brazil on the horizon
Europeans seek partnerships for new program to support science and innovation
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Vigilant Leadership
Report proposes actions to strengthen the quality of US research universities
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Pathways of silver
No, they aren’t the branches of a plant. The picture above shows the aggregates of silver atoms that form when silver nitrate solution comes into contact with metallic copper on a glass surface. The silver branch is 250 micrometers high (one micrometer is one millionth of a meter) and the photo was taken using a... View Article
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R&D Investment
Expenditures in research and development using state resources (DEPD) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
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International collaborative efforts
Researcher status and incidence of international collaboration in published papers – in %
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Under the skies of Bahia
Valentin Stansel’s astronomy observations were mentioned in Newton’s Principia
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Brazil’s ranking
Research topics (keywords) and respective scientific production (2007-2012)
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