In 2011, FAPESP awarded R$ 938.73 million in funding for scientific and technological research projects conducted in the state of São Paulo. This is a 20% increase over what the Foundation laid out in 2010. In total over the past 10 years, the amount granted by FAPESP has risen more than 90%. The nearly R$ 1 billion mentioned above was allocated to 11,188 fellowships and 9,386 ongoing research grants during the year. The number of new projects accepted in 2011 (12,451) was almost 8% higher than in the previous year. The data are available in the FAPESP 2011 Annual Activity Report, released on October 31, 2012. Among the three lines of FAPESP funding, regular projects received the largest volume of resources – R$ 640.26 million (68%). This permanent line meets spontaneous demand from researchers, and includes regular fellowships and awards. The type of fellowship with the highest number of new contracts (2,725) was undergraduate research. The number of fellowships abroad has also grown 27.6%, to a total of 208. Among the new awards and new fellowships, 1,211 projects are scientific exchange programs for researchers, especially at U.S. institutions. “It is becoming increasingly clear to the global scientific community that, in the 21st century, the advancement of knowledge in any society is impossible without increasing levels of international exchange of projects and researchers. In light of this, since the middle of the past decade, one of FAPESP’s priorities has been to enhance that dialogue,” said Celso Lafer, Foundation president, to Agência FAPESP.