February was the beginning of the Conference Cicle Biota-FAPESP Education. Result of an initiative of the Biota-FAPESP Program, together with Pesquisa FAPESP, the talk series aims to contribute to improving the quality of Science teaching in Brazil. There will be nine meetings until November, on the concepts and main threats to the biodiversity of the six Brazilian ecosystems: pampa, pantanal, cerrado, caatinga, mata atlântica and Amazonia, as well as marine and coastal environments and the biodiversity in rural and urban areas.
Check out moments from the first encounter, ‘Biodiversity: concept, values and threats’, with Thomas Lewinsohn, from the Biology Institute at Campinas State University (Unicamp), Jean Paul Metzger, from the Biosciences Institute at São Paulo University (USP), and Carlos Alfredo Joly, also from Unicamp’s Biology Institute as well as coordinator of the Biota-FAPESP Program.