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Sustainable flying

Biofuels for aviation

Representatives of FAPESP, Boeing and Embraer have begun a survey on the major scientific, technological, social and economic challenges for the development and adoption of biofuels by the commercial and corporate aviation industry in Brazil. The study, expected to last from nine to twelve months, will be based on eight workshops scheduled throughout 2012, the purpose of which is to collect data from researchers, biofuel producers, from the aviation industry and the government. The first workshop was held at the end of April in São Paulo. When the study is concluded, FAPESP, Boeing and Embraer will conduct a joint research project on the priorities identified by the survey, followed by a call for proposals to establish a research and development center focused on the development of biofuels for the commercial aviation industry. The new center, which will involve the three institutions, will be modeled on FAPESP’s Research, Innovation, and Diffusion Centers (Cepid), whose core activity is to develop research at the frontier of knowledge. The research project is part of an agreement among the institutions; the agreement, signed in October 2011, is under the FAPESP Program for Bioenergy Research (Bioen).
