Eduardo CesarWilly Beçak: genetics pioneer at the Butantan InstituteEduardo Cesar
Geneticist Willy Beçak, researcher and former general director of the Butantan Institute, received the 2012 Researcher of the Year Award on March 21, presented by the Biotech-Space social network made up of biotechnology entrepreneurs and researchers. One of the pioneers of Brazilian genetics, Beçak, 80, established the Butantan Genetics Laboratory in 1960, the first laboratory to perform cytogenetic studies in the country. He is currently a professor at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (Unila). Professor Edna Frassom Montero, of the University of São Paulo (USP) School of Medicine, a representative of the committee that chose the winner, emphasized that the objective of the award is to indicate which researchers, such as Professor Beçak, have most contributed to the evolution of science and technology in Brazil.