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Environmental conservation

José Goldemberg and Paulo Nogueira-Neto: careers recognized by the WWF Network

MIGUEL BOYAYAN and EDUARDO CESARJosé Goldemberg and Paulo Nogueira-Neto: careers recognized by the WWF NetworkMIGUEL BOYAYAN and EDUARDO CESAR

Physicist José Goldemberg, President of the University of São Paulo (USP) from 1986 to 1990 and professor at the Energy and Environment Institute, and Paulo Nogueira-Neto, emeritus professor at the USP Biosciences Institute and a pioneer of environmentalism in Brazil, received the International Award for Conservation Merit from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) for their contribution in recent years to the cause of environmental conservation.  The award ceremony was held during the annual conference of the WWF, an organization that operates in more than 100 countries, carrying out environmental conservation projects.  The event, held in Brazil for the first time, also honored José Roberto Marinho, president of the Roberto Marinho Foundation; Álvaro de Souza, vice-chairman of the WWF-Brazil board; Claudio Maretti, leader of the WWF Amazônia Viva initiative, and Rosa Lemos de Sá, secretary-general of FunBio (Brazilian Biodiversity Fund).  The late geographer and emeritus professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Bertha Koiffmann Becker, and the late agronomist Tatiana Carvalho, a former employee of Greenpeace, received posthumous recognition.
