miguel boyayanJosé Goldemberg: Education Warrior Trophymiguel boyayan
Physicist José Goldemberg, 86, will receive the 18th Professor Emeritus Ruy Mesquita Education Warrior Trophy on October 15, 2014. The award is bestowed annually by the Center for Company-School Integration (CIEE) and the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo to an individual who has excelled in the field of education and the advancement of knowledge. The award recipient is chosen from a list of names suggested in an open process, in which the participants include board members of the CIEE, previous awardees, researchers and entrepreneurs. Goldemberg was president of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (1975-1979), President of the University of São Paulo (USP) (1986-1990), Minister of Education (1991-1992), national Secretary of the Environment (1992) and Secretary of the Environment of the State of São Paulo (2002-2006). In 2008 he was honored with the Blue Planet Prize, awarded by Japan’s Blue Glass Foundation for achievements in scientific research and the development of public policies on the environment. He is currently a professor at the Institute of Electrotechnology and Energy at USP. Previous recipients of the Education Warrior Trophy have included physician and researcher William Saad Hossne, economist Antonio Delfim Netto, anthropologist Ruth Cardoso, cardiologist Adib Jatene, tax attorney Ives Gandra Martins and zoologist Paulo Vanzolini.