Determining the effects of stress from heat and from exercise to which horses used by the Brazilian army are submitted was the objective of a study by Giane Regina Paludo, Concepta McManus, Renata Queiroz de Melo, André Granja Cardoso and Fabíola Peixoto da Silva Mello, from the School of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Brasilia, and Moryenne Moreira and Beatriz Fuck, from the Ministry of the Army. “The horses of the Brazilian army are used on open days and they are often submitted to intense exercise, which, coupled with the climatic conditions of the Cerrado (wooded savanna) of the Brazilian center-west, results in the need for extreme acclimatization,” they wrote in the article Effects of Stress from Heat and Exercise on the Physiological Parameters of the Horses of the Brazilian Army. The authors observed 40 adult horses (from 4 to 13 years) from the 1st Cavalry Guard Regiment (ten animals from each one of the Thoroughbred Racehorse, Half-Caste and Brazilian Equestrian races) and from the 32nd Campaign Artillery Group (ten animals from the Breton race), located in the Urban Military Sector of the Federal District. The animals were examined fur times a day, before and after being submitted to exercise. The researchers concluded that the animals from the Thoroughbred Racehorse race are the most susceptible, and those of the Breton race the best adapted to the climatic conditions of the Federal District.
Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia [Brazilian Zootechny Magazine] – vol. 31 – nº 3