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Ibero-American Cooperation

The University of Campinas (Unicamp) has joined forces with six other Ibero-American universities to establish RedEmprendia-Solutions, a program designed to boost cooperation between private enterprise and institutions of higher learning, under the auspices of RedEmprendia, a network of 24 universities dedicated to promoting innovation and entrepreneurship. In addition to Unicamp, the participants in the initiative include the Technical University of Madrid in Spain, the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico, the University of Antioquía in Colombia, the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, and the University of Coimbra and the University of Porto in Portugal. According to Agência FAPESP, over the next three years the program will promote projects in which the participating universities will partner with companies on topics of interest to society and the marketplace. RedEmprendia-Solutions is adapting for the Ibero-American context an idea conceived by the Technical University of Madrid, which has implemented a number of cooperative projects with businesses. The objective is to connect research with corporate interests and involve private initiative in promoting the development of talent.
