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Ibero-American Innovation

Estrategias_LivroEduardo CesarIn 2012, Brazil earned more than US$146 million from the transfer of knowledge and technology from universities to companies, effected through patent licensing, creation of spin-offs, and other methods.  The figure is higher than in 2009, when just over US$33 million was recorded.  The evaluation is part of an X-ray of the systems of science, technology, and innovation in 21 Ibero-American countries compiled in the book La transferencia de I+D – La innovación y el emprendimiento en las universidades (Transfers of Research and Development—Innovation and Enterprise at the Universities), published by FAPESP.  “The idea was to measure the impact of research activities on relationships between universities and companies,” says Senén Barro, editor of the book and president of RedEmprendia, which has as members, 24 universities that are active in innovation.  Brazil’s improved performance is attributed to the consolidation of the Technological Innovation Centers (NIT), which are connected with universities and research institutions and responsible for evaluating the requirements for patenting technologies.
