- The 2023 edition of the OECD Innovation Indicators database1 focuses on business innovation activities in 42 countries between 2018 and 2020, including data on innovations with environmental benefits (IWEBs) for the first time
- In the countries surveyed, just over one-third of innovative companies stated that they had introduced at least one IWEB in the period. The incidence varied according to the size of the company and the conditions of their research and development (R&D) activity
- The graph to the left shows that most innovations were aimed at internal benefits within companies or their supply chains. It also shows that different countries have different IWEB profiles. Italy and Portugal performed relatively better than others

- The IBGE’s 2017 Innovation Survey (PINTEC) also highlighted the importance of innovations with environmental benefits. Of almost 40,000 innovative companies in Brazil between 2015 and 2017, approximately 16,000 (40%) reported that their innovations reduced impacts on the environment
- The types of environmental benefits were classified according to their degree of importance. One of the categories with the highest impact was innovations in waste recycling
- These IWEBs have had an impact in major sectors and segments of the Brazilian economy