- The IBGE recently published the preliminary results of its Semiannual Technological Innovation Survey (PINTEC) 2022. The indicators roughly correspond to the numbers of companies classified as innovative by different criteria, this year including how much they spend on research and development (R&D)
- The survey was limited to companies in the extractive and processing sectors with at least 100 employees. Those that implemented innovative products or business processes in the reference year were considered innovative
- These methodological changes made the information from the Semiannual PINTEC slightly more difficult to compare with the original PINTEC results, the latest of which looked at the year 2017. Despite this fact, it provides new information about innovative activities, including R&D expenditure by industrial segment
- The graph below shows that spending on R&D is strongly concentrated in certain sectors: of the 25 industry divisions, just seven accounted for more than 75% of internal R&D expenditure in 2022. Those that invested most in R&D are highlighted
Industrial expenditure on R&D in Brazil
- Another way to measure contributions in this field is through the average amount that companies in each division allocated to internal R&D (see graph below). This approach tends to highlight sectors with companies that are larger or operate in more concentrated markets
- Through both methods, there is a clear predominance of divisions related to oil and transport, as well as the IT and pharmaceutical sectors. This data highlights that R&D is largely concentrated in a small number of segments and that Brazilian industry has low propensity to engage in R&D
Sources IBGE, Research Directorate, Structural and Thematic Statistics in Companies Department, Semiannual Innovation Survey 2022 – Basic Indicators. Prepared by the FAPESP, DPCTA, Planning, Studies, and Indicators Team