- The demand for reliable scientific information has grown in recent years. Indicators of access to FAPESP’s scientific journalism outlets (Agência FAPESP and Pesquisa FAPESP) support this trend
- In 2016, the two outlets combined achieved more than 3.8 million sessions and 5.9 million pageviews. A session represents a single visit to one of these channels, while a pageview represents each individual page visited during the session. The graph above shows that these figures reached new heights in 2020, when there were 10.5 million sessions and almost 15 million pageviews, an increase of 41% (sessions) and 47% (pageviews) over the previous year. In 2021, the numbers were slightly lower (10 million and 12.3 million, respectively)
- The change seems to reflect the renewed interest in reliable scientific information motivated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The most read article on Agência FAPESP in 2020 was “Protein present in blood of COVID-19 patients can indicate progress and severity of the disease” (148,072 pageviews). The most read on Pesquisa FAPESP was “Similarities and differences between COVID-19 and Influenza” (189,891). In 2021, the most read article on Agência was “Novel coronavirus can remain active for more than 14 days in patients with mild symptoms” (135,823); in Pesquisa FAPESP, it was “A weak spot on Earth’s magnetic field hovers over Brazil” (31,591), which suggests some diversification of public interest. However, the most visited page on Pesquisa FAPESP in 2021 was the infographic “A guide to the novel coronavirus” (34,155 views)
Information about science
- Another indication of public interest in science is mentions of FAPESP in the media. Some of Brazil’s biggest news outlets, such as Estadão, UOL, Folha, and TV Globo, cite and discuss FAPESP articles. Between 2016 and 2021 this number increased from 9,900 to 51,200 (graph, left). In the national media, it grew from 9,700 mentions in 2016 to 41,700 in 2021. In the international media, the rise was even sharper: from 257 to 9,700 in the same period
Notes (1) FAPESP’s scientific journalism outlets comprise Agência FAPESP and the journal Pesquisa FAPESP (2) The access types are: sessions (one visit to one of these channels) and pageviews (the number of individual pages visited during a session)
Sources Google Analytics and FAPESP