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Intellectual property

Daniel BuenoPapi, FAPESP’s program of support for intellectual property, has been expanded and will henceforth offer three types of support (individual, institutional and  training), according to an ordinance that was instituted, in late November, the program’s set of rules. In the Individual mode, support will be offered to researchers as well as to educational and research institutions or small companies in the state of São Paulo for issues regarding the management of intellectual property created thanks to FAPESP grants and financial support. In the Institutional mode, institutions of higher education and research in the state of São Paulo will get help for the registration and licensing of intellectual property generated by the results of research financed by the Foundation. The Training mode will support the improvement of the NITs (centers for technological innovation) in São Paulo state educational and research institutions. The NITs are offices that focus on the management of the innovation policy of the institutions and on guaranteeing that the results of their research reach society. The Papi program was established in 2000 for the protection of intellectual property and the licensing of rights over the results of research supported by FAPESP. Further information about the program can be found at
