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Measured impact

laura_embrapalaurabeatrizA new method to evaluate the impact of technological innovations on different fields of knowledge was created by researcher Katia de Jesus-Hitzschky, from Embrapa Meio Ambiente, a division of the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Jaguariúna company, located in São Paulo State. The tool has 61 indicators for the following fields, among others: environmental, social, and economic, for which it is possible to measure the impacts of technologies. The tool also allows for the insertion of indicators that are more representative of the analyzed technology, which makes it possible to conduct a case-by-case analysis. In addition to analyzing the real impact of a new technology on the market, and how return can be obtained, it is also possible to monitor which indicators can adversely affect the environment and people’s health. Inova-Tec is being used to evaluate the programs and projects conducted by Embrapa and is available, for free, at the following site
