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Missed education targets

70% of the goals set out by the National Education Plan for 2014–2017 were not achieved

Léo Ramos Chaves

A survey by the National Campaign for the Right to Education (a nongovernmental organization) and the Educational Data Laboratory at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) shows that only 30% of the targets established by the Brazilian National Education Plan (PNE) for 2014–2017 were actually achieved. Established by Law 13,005, 2014, the PNE sets out guidelines and strategies for Brazilian educational policy until 2024. According to the survey, the only objective to be successfully achieved was the publication of studies by the Brazilian Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP) to enable progress of the targets to be measured. One important action yet to be carried out is the progressive implementation of two instruments—the Initial Quality Education Cost (CAQi) and the Quality Education Cost (CAQ)—that are designed to determine the minimum investment needed per student per year to improve the quality of education in Brazil. “The fact that these initial objectives have not been achieved has a knock-on effect on the second stage targets, which aim to address access and quality at all levels of education,” explains Andressa Pellanda, coordinator of educational policy at the National Campaign for the Right to Education. While progress has been made over recent years in some areas, such as access to early childhood education, further improvement is still needed. The proportion of children enrolled in childcare between the ages of 0 and 3 increased from 24.5% in 2011 to 31.9% in 2016—the PNE predicts that this figure will rise to 50% by 2024. “We need to guarantee access to education for all children, because they represent the base of Brazil’s population pyramid. A lack of schooling for this group will have a long-term impact on the country’s development,” Pellanda says.
