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No waste

Modules that avoid waste

Building houses from reforested wood easily, with better quality and without wasting material, is the objective of a project developed at the Federal University of Santa Catarina/UFSC. The technology is based on platforms which manufacture the modules.  The modules leave the plant and are assembled at the construction site. “We created a system based on standardized modular panels that prevent material from being wasted and which saves construction time as well, because they don’t have to be cut during construction and are easily assembled,” says researcher Luciana da Espíndola, who conducted the study with professor Poliana de Moraes, from UFSC. Although wooden houses are a tradition in many municipalities located in the State of Santa Catarina, the design can be used in any region that can avail itself of reforested wood. This research project is part of the Programa de Tecnologia de Habitação/ Habitare housing technology program coordinated by the Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos/Finep funding agency.
