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Opportunities in Paraná

A request for proposals from Senai Sesi affords prospects for PhDs in industry

Carreiras vinheta aDaniel BuenoThe State of Paraná has joined the Araucária Foundation, which sponsors research in that state, in launching an effort to select 13 researchers who hold PhDs, who would be contracted for a period of 20 months and assigned to work with industry to develop projects that have been approved in the Senai Sesi (National Industrial Training Service/Social Services for Industry) Request for Proposals in Innovation. The announcement was distributed nationwide in 2013, targeting companies that are interested in developing and implementing innovation in their products, processes, services, or social technologies. Selected researchers will work in the fields of biotechnology, pulp and paper, biological sciences, physical sciences, design, and electrical, electronic, and software engineering, technology applied to fashion, wood and furniture, chemistry, electronic sensors, and paints and coatings.

“The Araucária Foundation was the first research supporting foundation to support Senai projects in industry,” says Sonia Regina Hierro Parolin, manager of Technological and Innovation Services for Senai in Paraná. The grantees will receive R$4,100 a month and start work on July 15, 2014. During the selection process the academic and professional backgrounds of the candidates, their technical/scientific accomplishments, and experience in working with industry in carrying out research or innovation projects were evaluated. The deadline for evaluation of the résumés was June 23, 2014. However, another announcement had to be circulated because of the 24 candidates who had applied, too many were committed to full-time university teaching. The information can be accessed at

Parolin emphasizes that “candidates should be committed to teaching no more than 40 classroom hours per month.” In contrast to previous editions, the 2014 RFP will accept a continuous flow of applications between March 31, 2014 and March 23, 2015. Four series of evaluations are planned. It is hoped that this new format will encourage the contracting of new researchers for companies in Paraná. “The Araucária Foundation has already committed to maintaining its initiative of awarding grants for the new projects that will be approved.
