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Public education funding

Source of investment

  • 32% from municipal governments, 38% from state governments, and 30% federal funding.
  • Basic education (compulsory schooling to age 17) is primarily funded by state and municipal governments, while higher education is mostly federally funded.
  • Most federal funds are used for basic education via the Basic Education Maintenance and Development Fund (FUNDEB) and other programs.

Investment in public education by municipal, state, and federal governments

Public education funding2 reached 5.08% of GDP, or R$304.8 billion, in 20153, representing a growth of 1.07 percentage points (pp) since 2001. The areas of highest growth were high school (+ 0.37 pp) and preschool education (+ 0.28 pp), which also saw increased participation, from 15% to 19% and from 8% to 12% respectively.

1 Before federal funding (via FUNDEB and others), distribution by level of government via the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris; 2 Direct public investments are those made in the public sector, including scholarships, student grants, etc., but excluding all private sector funding. The total investment in 2015 was 6.24% of GDP; 3 GDP in 2015 was R$5.996 trillion (IBGE) in current values. Sources INEP/MEC, IBGE, Education at a Glance 2017 (OECD). Interpreted by the FAPESP ST&I Indicators team.
