At the end of this month, chemical engineer Hamilton Varela, a professor at the Chemistry Institute of the University of São Paulo in São Carlos (IQSC-USP), will receive the Ertl Award, of the Ertl Center for Electrochemistry and Catalysis, in Gwangju, South Korea. This initial granting of the award will recognize great contributions carried out at the institute. The only Brazilian among the founding members of the center, Hamilton Varela has been responsible for the field of Complex Kinetics since 2010, focusing on electrochemical reactions related to energy conversion systems (see Pesquisa FAPESP issue 165). He has published over 50 articles in indexed journals including a recent cover article for PCCP, a journal published by the Royal Chemistry Society, United Kingdom. The Ertl Center was founded and led by Gerhard Ertl, winner of the 2007 Nobel Chemistry Prize. Ertl headed the Physical Chemistry department of the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, when Hamilton Varela was studying for his doctorate. “Besides being an important figure in Surface Science and Complex Kinetics, Ertl is an example of a scientific manager and leader. Working under his leadership was very important in my career and receiving an award named after him is very special,” says Varela. Between 2005 and 2007, he was supported by FAPESP by means of its Young Researchers in Emerging Centers program. The award will be presented during the Ertl Symposium on Surface and Interface Chemistry, from June 24to 27, in Stuttgart, Germany.