Issue # 105 _ November 2004
S&T Policy
Tireless engagement
Carolina Bori defended essential banners for psychology along with the democratization of science
At the market doorway
Companies supported through the PIPE program can count upon Finep to consolidate their business
One more round
The Senate authorizes research with stem cells and reestablishes the powers of the CTNBio
By Claudia Iziquedisclosure
The knowledge adventure
More than 1,800 events mark the National Science and Technology Week
A natural advantage against the cigarette
Almost 40% of Brazilian possess mutations that favor smoking less
In the rivers of Brazil
Biologists register 2,122 species of fish in the fresh water rivers of Brazil
By Francisco BicudoTechnology
A seed to germinate
Northeastern region gains a new variety of pale-skinned, drought resistant peanut
By Marcos de Oliveirametallurgy
Metallic recycling
Scrap is transformed into the raw material used in the production of aluminum alloys
By Yuri Vasconcelos