Issue # 110 _ April 2005
- Stem Cells
- The Bill on Biosafety is going to boost Brazilian research, which was already strong in the area By Marcos Pivetta
- Biosafety
- New law authorizes research with stem cells and permits marketing of transgenics By Claudia Izique
- Transgenics
- Permission to market GMOs should expand investments in biotechnology
S&T Policy

Pasteur's Quadrant
A book translated by Unicamp examines a pact between the scientific community and the government
By Claudia IziqueScience
The hot and the cold that comes from magnets
A Unicamp team discovers unexpected properties of magnetic materials
By Carlos FioravantiBotany

The Beauty and the beast
A study reveals orchids from Central Brazil and describes the damage caused by viruses and insects
By Alessandra PereiraGenetics
Molecular Signature
Method uses a small fragment of DNA to identify animal species
By Marcos PivettaMedicine
Wide awake
Lack of sleep activates sexuality, increases the sensitivity to pain and damages the liver and heart
By Ricardo ZorzettoTechnology
Electrical Engineering
Body heat
Equipment detects temperature variations by way of infrared radiation
Biomedical Engineering

Vital implant
The first national stent produced by laser is going to reduce the cost of cardiac therapies
By Yuri VasconcelosSensoring
Topography maps of Brazil
Images captured by Endeavour and produced by Embrapa show Brazilian topography
By Marcos de Oliveira