Issue # 156 _ February 2009
S&T Policy

Measured merit
Mega-evaluation based on peer review to guide distribution of funds to UK universities
By Fabrício MarquesPartnership

Joint advances
A FAPESP-Fapemig agreement approves the first ethanol research projects
By Fabrício MarquesEnvironment

The human factor
Institute is going to measure health-related financial losses from different types of air pollution
By Fabrício MarquesScience

New ramifications
Brazilians dominate technique to transform adult stem cells into embryonic cells
By Maria GuimarãesPhysiology

The brain and infections
Drugs used to treat mental disturbances may bring about resistance to viruses, bacteria and tumors
By Carlos FioravantiPhysiology

Fat attracts fat
The fatty acid found in red meat causes the death of neurons that control the appetite
By Carlos FioravantiHealth

Love after the menopause
A study identifies factors that compromise female sexuality after the reproductive age
By Maria GuimarãesEcology

Birds from the pampas
Green beef reconciles the interests of livestock farmers and biologists in the south
By Carlos FioravantiOceanography

Underwater warehouse
Fauna from the bottom of the sea in Antarctica have resources to stay alive even in winter
By Maria GuimarãesTechnology

White smile
Tooth paste with less fluoride and a low pH reduces the incidence of fluorosis in children
By Marcos de OliveiraChemistry

Versatile and clean thread
Company from São Paulo creates a new process to manufacture acrylic fibers for the textile sector
By Yuri VasconcelosEnergy

Artificial photosynthesis
New low cost solar cells reproduce the plant process for transforming sunlight
By Dinorah ErenoHumanities

The day on which Brazil said "no" to the United States
Researcher recovers documents with the proposal to deport black Americans to the Amazon
By Carlos Haag