Issue # 188 _ October 2011
S&T Policy

Good scientific practices
FAPESP launches code to preserve the integrity of research
By Fabrício MarquesCelebration

Debate in Washington
Wilson Center hosts symposium on Brazilian science, celebrating FAPESP's 50th anniversary

Cross-cultural exchange
A study reveals to what extent Brazilian scientific articles receive exposure
By Fabrício MarquesScience
Cell Biology

The discrete parasite
Trypanosoma cruzi makes cells work for its benefit
By Carlos FioravantiAstrophysics

An X in the Milky Way?
The center of the galaxy might have two crisscrossing bars
By Marcos PivettaModified organisms

Anti-virus protection
Transgenic beans developed by Embrapa are immune to bean golden mosaic disease
By Maria GuimarãesInternational Year of Chemistry

Pharmacological Battles
Cutting-edge science seeks solutions for neglected tropical diseases
By Maria GuimarãesPaleobotany

The trees of the desert
Forest of conifer trees thrived in a hot, sandy environment when dinosaurs still populated the earth
By Isis Nóbile DinizArcheology

Luzio's diet
Although prehistoric man lived on river banks ten thousand years ago, he rarely ate fish
By Marcos PivettaTechnology

Hidden paintings
Diagnosis brings to light hidden details of paintings and works of art
By Marcos PivettaChemistry

Denser ceramics
Electrical discharges applied to tablets for sensors generate stronger products
By Ricardo ZorzettoCivil engineering

Durable Concrete
Constructions that can resist time may also withstand fire
By Evanildo da Silveira