Issue # 121 _ March 2006
S&T Policy
More personnel for science
Number of scholarships granted for 2006 increases and the amounts are readjusted
Propitious ground
Technological parks and a bill encourage innovation in the state of São Paulo
Vulnerable flanks
Indicator maps the impact of climatic changes on public health in all the states
By Fabrício MarquesScience
The tricks of HIV
Recombinant forms of the virus complicate the AIDS epidemic in Brazil
By Francisco BicudoBotanics
Rigor and sensibility
The electronic version of the Flora brasiliensis widens access to knowledge about Brazil's plants
By Carlos FioravantiTechnology
Deep investment
Petrobras Award reveals new systems and new professions for the petrochemical industry
By Yuri VasconcelosChemistry
Without smell and less toxic
USP researchers develop a method for the production of paints almost without smell
By Yuri VasconcelosNew Materials
Self cleaning scalpel
Ceramic coating sterilizes medical and dental instruments
By Yuri VasconcelosGeology
A penetrating look
A new sensorial method using satellite images facilitates the identification of mineral deposits
By Marcos de OliveiraHumanities
The library of Babel
Edusp launches a box with two richly illustrated volumes of books by José and Guita Mindlin
By Carlos Haag