Issue # 139 _ September 2007
S&T Policy
The submarine that provides light
Program to receive R$ 1 billion for reactor, which will also be able to generate power
By Claudia IziqueBiodiversity
The age of reason
The fruit of Biota-FAPESP are shared among universities and become perennial
By Fabrício MarquesIndicators
A rocky path
Lack of information jeopardizes firms' investments in innovation
By Claudia IziqueScience
Posthumous memoirs
Insects in cadavers contain information that helps to explain mysterious deaths
By Francisco BicudoClimate Change
Green Winds
Stimulating production can be coupled with carbon credits, in order to avoid economic stagnation
By Carlos FioravantiTechnology
Computer Sciences
Experiments on the net
The Internet of the future is object of research studies
By Marcos de OliveiraOptical Technology
The LED revolution
Researchers from São Carlos are developing equipment using light-emitting diodes
By Yuri VasconcelosHumanities
The Economy
Who supervises the supervisors?
The TAM tragedy fuels the debate on regulatory agencies
By Carlos HaagSociology
The battle against consumption by children
Children have become a direct target for all kinds of products
By Gonçalo Júnior