Issue # 200 _ October 2012
- The beginning and the end of cosmic rays
- New studies are expanding our understanding of the possible origins of these subatomic particles, which are accelerated to nearly the speed of light, traverse intergalactic space and break up when they collide with other particles upon reaching the Earth By Carlos Fioravanti
S&T Policy
Science Education

A Bottleneck in the Classroom
Poor performance in science learning reduces number of researchers and makes Brazil less competitive
By Fabrício MarquesScience Journalism

Stories to Tell
Access to scanned documents helps reconstruct the historical path of the spread of science in Brazil
By Mariluce MouraWorld Science Forum
Ideas for the World Science Forum
Texts by Luiz Davidovich, Fernando Galembeck, Michael T. Clegg, Jessica Bland e Sonia Vasconcelos

AIDS still far from under control
High infection rates persist among homosexuals, revealing weak spots in prevention strategies
By Carlos Fioravantitropical disease

Parasite poised for the attack
Vesicles with proteins help Trypanosoma cruzi invade host cells
By Carlos FioravantiTropical ecosystems

Evolution written in lianas
Botanists use climbing plants to understand the origin of Brazilian forests
By Carlos FioravantiEvolution of the galaxy

The heart of the Milky Way
Largest survey of stars ever performed reconstitutes the central region of the galaxy
By Igor ZolnerkevicClimate

A Heat Island in the Amazon
The urban area of the city of Manaus is 3ºC warmer than the surrounding forest
By Marcos PivettaTechnology
Business research

In search of new chemical routes
Oxiteno introduces products made from palm, soybean and sugarcane oils to replace petrochemicals

Vitamin Enriched Cassava
More nutritious tubers and beans are available to feed Brazilians
By Evanildo da SilveiraHumanities

Contemporaneity of Ancient Greece
A study of texts by Aristotle and Plato reveals the origins of contemporary scientific concepts
By Maria GuimarãesStatistics

Research as a Basis for Policy
Academic studies on the public’s needs increasingly help governments adopt solutions
By Claudia Izique