Issue # 142 _ December 2007
S&T Policy
Sponsoring development
Cry for Independence
Survey evaluates the "Support to Young Researchers" program
By Fabrício MarquesEvaluation
Joining the 200 Club
USP and Unicamp climb the global ranking of universities
By Fabrício MarquesInvestments

A new plan for growth
Federal government will earmark R$42.1 billion for science, technology and innovation
By Claudia IziqueScience

The man who uncooked the egg
French researcher who invented molecular gastronomy wants to change the way humans cook their meals
By Marcos PivettaNeuroscience

Way beyond Cyborg
Communication between brains and machines brings robotic prosthesis closer to reality
By Maria GuimarãesPhysics
Cosmic rays long journey...
... and the scientists who wanted to learn where the rays come from
By Carlos FioravantiEnergy

A voice for the planet
Time magazine names José Goldemberg one of the "environmental heroes" for his study on ethanol
Climate change

Words and weather
Natural disasters require new communication strategies among scientists in public administration
By Carlos FioravantiGeography
More people, fewer trees
Minas Gerais researchers develop index to identify Amazon Forest areas prone to deforestation
By Carlos FioravantiTechnology
Chemical Engineering

Less waste
Discarded copper and nickel from metal plating parts are recovered
By Dinorah ErenoBiofuel

Protein in oil
Researchers from USP use lipasis and ethanol in the production of biodiesel
By Marcos de OliveiraMicrobiology

Good bacteria
Enzymes degrade proteins and PET bottles and may have new industrial uses
By Yuri VasconcelosNew materials

Renewable plastic
Firms use ethanol and bacteria as the raw materials to make substitutes for oil products
By Dinorah Ereno