Issue # 169 _ March 2010
S&T Policy

Network building
Thesis discusses the reasons for the lack of growth in Brazilian research in international networks
By Fabrício MarquesScience

Jarau mysteries
Meteorite fall formed range of hills in the western part of Rio Grande do Sul
By Salvador NogueiraGenetics

The triple helix
São Paulo team identifies rare structure in the genetic material of flies
By Maria GuimarãesZoology

In the dry downpour
Caatinga savanna toads physiologically adapt to survive months of drought
By Maria GuimarãesChild health

Eat less, son
Mothers do not always recognize when their children are overweight
By Carlos FioravantiNeurology

Trembling under control
Doing physical exercises and consuming Omega-3 emerge as complementary treatments for epilepsy
By Carlos FioravantiTechnology
Electronic Engineering

The talking light
Device for the visually impaired identifies and communicates names of colors and currency bills
By Evanildo da SilveiraOptic

Multiplied Beams
Researcher publishes article in leading international journal on the new generation of optic fibers
By Yuri VasconcelosNanotechnology

Nanotubes in real life
New applications for carbon nanodevices are generated in Ribeirão Preto
By Yuri VasconcelosChemistry

Reduced friction
Polymer mixed into ethanol enables biofuel to run through pipeline faster
By Marcos de OliveiraChemical engineering

Enzymatic route
New sugarcane bagasse pre-treatments make production of second generation ethanol easier
By Dinorah ErenoHumanities

Unequalled inequality
Seminar discusses the dilemmas of social segregation in Brazil
By Carlos Haag