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São Paulo reorganizes the Science and Technology Council

Daniel BuenoThe São Paulo State government installed the State Science and Technology Council (CONCITE), which was reorganized to establish new guidelines for the state’s science and technology policy.  The council will advise the state government in developing the State Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation for the next 20 years and will outline investment priorities. In early 2014, the state government will begin a survey of science, technology and innovation activities in the state along with activities in research and development in an effort to identify problem areas and bottlenecks.  “The CONCITE is strategic for state development because it includes innovation agencies, research institutions and companies,” says Governor Geraldo Alckmin. The Board consists of 20 members including four state secretaries, the presidents of the three São Paulo State universities, the president of FAPESP, the managing director of the Paulo Souza Center, and representatives from three research institutes in addition to eight members selected by the governor– he invited five business owners and the president of the Brazilian Innovation Agency (Finep). “We are going to develop operating plans and establish goals,” said Rodrigo Garcia, secretary of Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation, and vice chair of CONCITE.
