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SciELO Brazil

SciELO tops the ranking

Electronic library SciELO Brazil has come in first place once again among Top Portals in the newest edition of the Ranking Web of World Repositories, a position it has occupied since 2011. Updated semiannually since 2008 by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the ranking covers free-access scientific publication portals, highlighting those with the strongest presence and impact on the web. SciELO is a FAPESP program created in 1998, supported by the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME) and by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) “In its nearly 16-year history, SciELO Brazil has accumulated a noteworthy scientific collection – much of the best science published in Brazil over that period,” said SciELO program director Abel Packer to the FAPESP News Agency. Among the indicators taken into account for building the Top Portals ranking, Packer emphasizes visibility (calculated from number of external links pointing to each repository) as the strongest feature of the Brazilian collection.

