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scientific journalism

Scientific disclosure in the Amazon Region

eduardo cesarAmazônia Viva: pleasant surprise in Brazilian scientific journalismeduardo cesar

Since September 2011, on the first day of every month, a Pará State newspaper, O Liberal, carries an extra-precious element in each of its approximately 40,000 daily copies (on Sundays this rises to more than 70,000): Amazônia Viva [Living Amazon Region]. This magazine divulges science and is the result of the persistence of a biologist, Inocêncio Gorayeb, about the work of a young journalist, Felipe Melo,  the support of the Maiorama publishing group and sponsorship provided the by the firm Vale. Filled with marvelous photos and a text that can be easily understood by a public that is not knowledgeable about science, the 68-page magazine, which is in a bigger than usual format and printed on LWC paper, which is cheaper than coated paper, is a pleasant surprise in the panorama of Brazilian scientific journalism. In fact, it is the realization of dream that Gorayeb, a researcher at the Emilio Goeldi Pará Museum, has had for 20 years and who for a long time chased after possible sponsors for his idea. The insertion of the magazine in O Liberal meant that it could reach readers with no added cost for them relative to the price they normally pay for the newspaper. Such an example is likely to attract followers.
