
Cooperative atmosphere
USP, FAPESP and Marine Biological Laboratory hold courses
Environmental preservation

One road, many forests
Ring road around Greater São Paulo triggers an operation to replant forest
Life in the semi-arid

Backcountry strategies
The only mammal that lives in the dunes along the São Francisco River
Landscape in transformation

The ancient Amazonia in the Espirito Santo state
Remnants of the Amazon Region from 7.8 thousand years ago
Ask the researchers

Ask the researchers
Why don’t ants die when they are placed in a microwave oven?
Invasive species

Undesirable, but not always
The debate about the control of exotic plants and animals heats up
Primate life

The matriarchs of the forest
Coexistence with the mother increases the reproductive success of muriquis
History of FAPESP III

Ecological path
FAPESP has been investing for five decades in biodiversity studies

The limit of the forest
Group identifies signs that precede extinction in the Atlantic rainforest

The hidden forest
Land use affects the biological diversity of the soil in the Amazon Region

Between man and nature
Dilemma between preservation and development has been constant in Brazil
By Carlos Haag

Stories about dead shells
Disappearance of mollusks indicates environmental imbalance in oceans

More than a catalog
DNA barcodes identify new species and aid ecology and evolution studies

Chemistry in the air
Volatile compounds control the interaction between vegetables and insects

Under the Copenhagen banner
Studies show the evolution of greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil

Fighting extinction
Researchers identify priority conservation areas in the state of Pará

Overly close neighbors
Living close to human beings exposes the brown monkey to yellow fever