FAPESP’s scientific director, Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, presented several proposals regarding increasing the international impact of Brazilian science to the participants at the 35th Forum of the National Council of State Research Support Foundations (Confap), which took place May 23-24, 2013. The proposed topics for discussion included freeing the researcher from administrative tasks and project management; expanding international cooperation; increasing the visibility and impact of scientific journals and signaling to the scientific community that agencies give more value to the content and impact of each scientific article than to the journal’s impact factor. At the close of the forum, the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marco Antonio Raupp, reported that a new call for proposals for the National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCTs) program will be published later this year. The program steering committee agreed to continue the program at a recent meeting, but no date or set funding amounts for the new call have been set. The results will be presented during a seminar to be held in July in Brasilia. “We are evaluating the performance of existing INCTs. At the moment, indicators suggest that the program should be expanded,” said Raupp.