- Between 2018 and 2020, spending on research and development (R&D) in the state of São Paulo fell in real terms from R$27.4 billion to R$26.4 billion
- The breakdown by type of institution shows that the decrease was reflected across the board, with the exception of healthcare institutions

- The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, together with other related factors, made it difficult to spend R&D funds in almost every type of institution in São Paulo. Only healthcare institutions increased their research efforts, likely directing resources toward studies of the disease.
- The graph above shows the changes in expenditure between 2018 and 2020, revealing the scale of the impact on each type of institution with greater clarity. Research institutes experienced the greatest decrease (-14.4%), followed by higher education institutions (-9.6%). Spending also fell at businesses, but to a lesser extent (-1.4%)

- In contrast, spending by healthcare institutions, such as hospitals and blood centers (including at universities), rose significantly (35.4%), revealing another facet of the efforts made by these institutions and the people that work there to understand and fight the pandemic
Note Monetary values are expressed in 2020 prices and were corrected by the IPCA (annual averages). The amounts spent by university hospitals and blood centers are included in the healthcare institutions category and not in higher education institutions. Source FAPESP Studies and Indicators Team (DPCTA), based on primary data. Prepared by the FAPESP Studies and Indicators Team (DPCTA).