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Three board members

Three board members


Rodas, Toledo and Suely: in the FAPESP Board of Governors1 CECILIA BASTOS 2 EDUARDO CESAR 3 MIGUEL BOYAYAN

São Paulo State Governor Geraldo Alckmin has appointed two new members to the Board of Governors of FAPESP – João Grandino Rodas and Alejandro Szanto de Toledo. In addition, the governor re-appointed Suely Vilela, former president of the University of São Paulo (USP) to the Board. Suely Vilela is full professor of the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Ribeirão Preto. She was the first woman to be appointed to the top position at USP and the second woman to be appointed as a member of the Board of Governors of FAPESP. Lenita Correa Camargo was the first woman appointed to the Board, having sat on this Board from 1971 to 1977. Toledo is a professor of the department of nuclear physics of the University of São Paulo’s Physics Institute (IF). He was director of the Institute until 2010. Toledo has a degree (1967) in physics from USP. He has master’s degree (1970) and a doctorate degree (1976) in physics also from USP. He received his post-doctorate degree in 1978 from the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg, Germany. Rodas is the current president of USP and full professor of the department of international law of USP’s Largo São Francisco Law School. He has a degree in Pedagogy (1969) and Law (1969) from USP and in Letters from the Jesuit Priests’  Nossa Senhora Medianeira College of Philosophy (1970). He received his Doctor of Law degree in (1973) and became a professor at USP in 1976. The following members of the Foundation’s Board of Governors have stepped down: Sedi Hirano, full professor and director of the School of Philosophy, Letters, and Human Sciences of USP, and civil engineer Vahan Agopyan, who has a degree from the Polytechnic School. He was a director of the school and full professor of civil construction materials and components. The three new members of the Board of Governors were selected from three triple-name lists prepared by the University Council of USP and forwarded to the state governor.
