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Science communication

Twenty Years of Labjor

One of Brazil’s principal centers of reference in science journalism, the Laboratory for Advanced Studies in Journalism at the University of Campinas (Unicamp), commemorated 20 years of activity with a symposium entitled “The issue of the press: technology, transparency, self-regulation, and deconcentration,” held in Campinas on December 11, 2014. Prominent participants in the event included journalist Alberto Dines, editor of Observatório da Imprensa, and Carlos Vogt, Unicamp professor and coordinator of the laboratory. In April 1994, the two founded Labjor with José Marques de Melo, a professor at Methodist University in São Paulo. Labjor was established to fill Unicamp’s need for a graduate-level program that would train professionals in that field since the university did not offer an undergraduate degree in social communication, Vogt explained to Agência FAPESP. Since 1999, when it offered its first course, specialization in science journalism, the Labjor has certified more than 400 professionals—journalists, researchers, and professionals from various fields. Of these, 110 had received FAPESP scholarships under the José Reis Program of Incentives to Science Journalism (Science Media).
