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Unexpected America

This image that looks like South America was formed during an experiment conducted by chemist Saulo do Amaral Carminati in preparing composites containing iron oxide and graphene nanoparticles.  Carminati is a master’s degree candidate in inorganic chemistry at the National Nanotechnology and Solar Energy Laboratory (LNES) of the Chemistry Institute at the University of Campinas (IQ-Unicamp), with Professor Ana Flávia Nogueira as his advisor and Professor Flávio Leandro de Souza of the Federal University of the ABC (UFABC) as his co-advisor.  The goal of his work is to obtain solar fuels, which are fuels such as hydrogen gas that are produced from the breakdown of water molecules using solar energy. The image was taken by high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy, magnified 89 times.

Image submitted by Saulo do Amaral Carminati from the Chemistry Institute at Unicamp.

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