FAPESP and the TV Cultura network have entered into a cooperation agreement to broadcast the Portal Roda Viva-FAPESP, which will provide viewers with access to transcriptions of more than one thousand interviews held in the Roda Viva talk show, produced for the last 21 years by the State of São Paulo’s public TV network. The pilot version of the portal is already operating on an experimental basis at the following address: www.tvcultura.com.br/portalrodaviva. For the time being, the portal is airing pages transcribed from 16 interviews, including celebrities such as Cuba’s Fidel Castro, playwright Plínio Marcos, former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez, advertising professional Oliviero Toscani and writer José Saramago. The portal’s definitive version will be launched within about two months, after the tests have been concluded.
“In one year’s time all the interviews will have been transcribed and their full versions will be available. The portal will be like an encyclopedia of the issues addressed in the talk show,” says journalist Paulo Markun, the talk show host and newly appointed president of the Padre Anchieta Foundation, the entity that maintains the TV Cultura channel and the Cultura AM and FM radio stations. Each interview will come with a two-minute video with parts of the conversation. “The portal will have fantastic cultural, scientific, and journalistic importance and will provide universal access to the contents of the Roda Viva talk show in an organized manner,” says Carlos Vogt, the FAPESP president. This kind of material will help understand the country’s development process and will be very useful, for example, for classroom education and for social sciences research.
Funded by FAPESP, the portal project was presented by NEPP, a center for the study of public policies, and is being executed in partnership with LABJOR, an advanced journalism study center, both from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). Researchers are working on the transcription and editing of the talk shows, under the coordination of Prof. Pedro Luiz Barros e Silva, from NEPP, and Prof. Carlos Vogt, from LABJOR. The project?s funding, approved by FAPESP for the preparation of the content and development of the portal, amounts to R$ 277.269,05.
The project’s aim is to facilitate access to the noteworthy collection of Roda Viva interviews, the oldest and one of Brazilian TV’s most highly respected talk shows. “People who watch Roda Viva are interested in the content being discussed by the interviewed guests. The best way to enjoy this content is to format the texts, which will allow viewers to copy them freely and use the material in a range of ways,” said Paulo Markun, who had already tested the program, with good results, through the collection of interviews O melhor do Roda Viva (“The Best of Roda Viva”, published by Editora Conex). On the Internet, research on the interviews will be made easier by a search mechanism that identifies key words and guides the viewer to the talk shows at which the given issues were discussed. Additional information, in the form of hypertext, will also be available in the transcriptions.