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Wind Atlas of Bahia

Windy Bahia

cover of the Wind Atlas of Bahia: potential power generation equivalent to five Itaipu hydroelectric plants

Cover of the Wind Atlas of Bahia: potential power generation equivalent to five Itaipu hydroelectric plants

The newly launched Wind Atlas of Bahia estimates the potential for wind power generation in the state of Bahia based on a broad survey of wind speeds, as well as an analysis of vegetation, topology and climate through satellite maps. The study shows 156 areas with wind power potential where wind turbines could be installed to produce power. “Current technology, with towers up to a height of 100 meters, would result in an installed capacity in the state of 70,000 Megawatts (MW) with winds 7 meters per second or greater. The estimated power is based on land areas, and excludes the potential over  water,” says engineer Paulo Andrade from the consulting firm Camargo-Schubert, in Curitiba, which produced the atlas.  The data in the illustrated compendium are the result of over 3,000 hours of computer simulations. For comparison, the Itaipu hydroelectric plant generates 14,000 MW. Currently, Brazil has an installed wind power capacity of 5,000 MW. Totaling the capacity of wind farms already in operation, those under construction, and those soon to be built, Bahia would have 2,227 MW of wind power. With this capacity, the state will achieve second place in wind power, behind the state of Rio Grande do Norte, which is expected to increase wind power to 2,970 MW within the next three years. The wind data in the atlas was provided by 14 companies, including Chesf, CPFL, Casa dos Ventos and Coelba. The atlas, produced with funding from the Bahia state government and the Senai Center for Integrated Manufacturing and Technology (Cimatec), will be used for studies and tenders for wind power projects in the state. The compendium can be accessed at
