
Global warming threatens main Atlantic Ocean current system
Ice loss in Greenland puts Atlantic Ocean currents at risk

Neighbors who lend their DNA
Plants are descendants of algae that acquired genes from fungi and bacteria, genes that became essential to the structure of plant cells
By Laura Tercic
Environmental management

Disfigured coastline
From the north to the south of Brazil, coastal protection projects seek to curb rising sea levels and beach erosion, usually with little success

The mental burden of the young
Frequency of psychiatric disorders doubles between end of infancy and start of adolescence
By Ricardo Zorzetto and Felipe Floresti

Brazil getting drier
Global warming makes the climate less humid, leading to emergence of the country’s first arid zone
By Marcos Pivetta and Renata Fontanetto

Merging of neutron stars generates second-largest gamma-ray burst
Phenomenon produced rare earth metals in space