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Contaminated chickens

Salmonella enteritidis (SE) “has emerged as a great problem for poultry raising and public health in Brazil, starting in 1993,” explains Edir Nepomuceno da Silva and A. Duarte, from the Food Technology Department of the School of Food Engineering at the Campinas State University (FEA/Unicamp), in the article Salmonella Enteritidis in Birds: a Retrospect in Brazil. According to the authors, surveys carried out in 2001 continue to show that in poultry raising SE is the main serovar responsible for infections in humans.  “The use of specific vaccines in laying and breeding hens has proved to be an auxiliary tool in controlling SE.  The procedure most indicated for the control of SE in poultry raising lies in the acquisition of batches that are free from the agent.  Feed and raw material of animal origin seem not to be so important in perpetuating the problem of SE, although rodents seem to be important environmental reservoirs of SE on contaminated farms,” say the researchers.

Read the article

Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola [Brazilian Magazine of Poultry Raising Science] – vol. 4 – nº 2

