Issue # 179 _ January 2011
S&T Policy
Interest in diversity
Group from Unesp in Rio Claro is a reference for foreign biologists
By Fabrício MarquesCancun Conference
Multilateral arm wrestling
Climate change issues move forward in Mexico but a more global agreement is suspended
By Maria GuimarãesScience
Microscopic torch
Marking cells allows us to know how the selection of more effective antibodies occurs
By Cristina CaldasEvolution
G'day, kangaroos
The oldest relatives of the Australian marsupials may have lived in South America
By Carlos FioravantiHealth
Suffocating heart
Responsible for cardiac alterations there may be a blood diagnosis test for apnea
By Maria GuimarãesAstrophysics
On a safe course
Simulation explains why the Earth did not collide with the Sun
By Marcos PivettaGeology
Islands in the Savannah
"Blotches" in the cerrado emerged in ancient riverbeds in the Amazon
By Marcos PivettaTechnology
Mechanical Engineering
Clean air
Company develops system to purify and humidify the environment
By Yuri VasconcelosNew Materials
Vegetable plastics
Packaging and products for agricultural use made from corn, cassava and fibers
By Dinorah ErenoBiotechnology
Genetic Tool
Molecular markers identify tender meat in Nelore cattle
By Evanildo da SilveiraPhysics
Electrons at high speed
Particle accelerator designed and built at the USP Physics Institute
By Marcos de Oliveira