Issue # 131 _ January 2007
S&T Policy
Public Policies

Time to replant
São Paulo prepares new regulations for the reforestation of degraded areas
By Fabrício MarquesInnovation

Partnership in (dis)harmony
Seminar evaluates legislation and demands new paradigms for research
Digital inclusion

Revolution in the classroom
Government defines by April which will be the model of laptop intended for pupils at public schools
By Yuri Vasconcelos and Fabrício MarquesScience

The GDP from the clouds
Mathematical model analyzes the impacts of the climate changes on economic growth
By Carlos FioravantiEpidemiology

Risky journey
Macho culture of truck drivers contributes towards disseminating Aids virus
By Ricardo ZorzettoNutrition

Bodies under pressure
Gymnasts and actresses suffer from the same dramas as models
By Carlos Fioravanti and Ricardo ZorzettoTechnology

Advances with the fuel cell
Ipen develops equipment that generates electricity with ethanol
By Marcos de OliveiraBiochemistry

Very special antibodies
Substances produced by a Brazilian company will facilitate the production of new medicines
By Yuri Vasconcelos