Issue # 324 _ February 2023
Graduate studies

CAPES assessment finds that quality indicators for master's and doctoral courses in Brazil have improved
By Rodrigo de Oliveira AndradeHigher education

Number of students completing a degree at public universities in Brazil falls
By Rodrigo de Oliveira AndradePhysics

There are about 90 nuclear fusion reactors operating worldwide
Three small experimental machines are located in Brazil
By Marcos PivettaPhysics

Nuclear fusion experiment produces more energy than it consumes for the first time
By Marcos PivettaIMMUNOLOGY

Construction begins on Brazil’s new National Vaccine Center in Belo Horizonte
The institution will function as a link between basic immunobiological research and final products
By Ricardo ZorzettoIMMUNOLOGY

Butantan’s dengue vaccine is 80% effective
The vaccine offered protection against two serotypes of the virus in the final phase of human trials
By Ricardo ZorzettoECOLOGY

Amphibian populations in the Atlantic Forest have declined over the last 130 years
By Meghie RodriguesARCHITECTURE

Software calculates financial and environmental cost of architectural designs

Device reveals age of premature babies
Technology created in Minas Gerais supports healthcare for infants born prematurely
By Suzel Tunes