
Eighteenth-century manuscript on Brazil’s gold cycle published in a bilingual edition
The poem, written by Basílio da Gama, describes aspects of the economic, political, and cultural life of the colony
By Juliana Vaz
Cultural property

Egypt recovers stolen 3,400-year-old statue
Egypt recovers statue of Pharaoh Ramses II, stolen in the late 1980s or early 1990s
By Redação

Glass negatives depict science in the early twentieth century
Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro and other institutions preserve rare photographic collections

Another donation to Brazil’s National Museum
Brazilian National Museum receives donation of 1,104 fossils from the Araripe basin in Northeast Brazil
By Redação

Revolt against the weighing scale
The implementation of the Decimal Metric System in Brazil caused a popular protest that was strongly repressed during the Brazilian Empire, 150 years ago
By Suzel Tunes

Mexicans recover Aztec documents
Mexicans recover three Aztec documents from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
By Redação

Shipwrecks record history of slavery
Archaeologists in the Bahamas identify 14 slave ships that sank between 1767 and 1860
By Redação

Carbonized ancient philosophy
Brazilian team is among the winners of the international Vesuvius Challenge to identify writing on carbonized scrolls
By Redação

Virtual tour of Darwin’s library
British naturalist Charles Darwin’s library is now available online
By Redação

Amazement and horror in nineteenth-century Rio
Paintings by two artists who accompanied Darwin on the Beagle voyage recorded the exuberance of nature and social contrasts
By Suzel Tunes

Brazilian wins international history award
Laura de Mello e Souza wins the International History Prize
By Redação

An interpreter of Africa
Diplomat, historian, and poet, Alberto da Costa e Silva produced influential work on the continent
By Diego Viana

The oldest pyramid?
Monument in Indonesia may be older than the pyramids in Egypt
By Redação

Amazonian fruit was domesticated
Native people of the Amazon domesticated cupuaçu 8,000 years ago
By Redação

Aztec encyclopedia
US Institute publishes online illustrated encyclopedia about the Aztecs and the conquest of Mexico
By Redação
Research itineraries

Fighting against hunger
As well as researching the topic, historian Adriana Salay runs the “Quebrada alimentada” project on the outskirts of São Paulo

Historical archaeology investigates period from colonization to dictatorship
Excavations help reinterpret historical events by linking material culture, written documents, and oral testimonies
By Diego Viana

The dexterous rock carvers of 12,000 years ago
Lithic instruments found in Pará were carefully crafted 12,000 years ago
By Redação

Collect and organize
Historian Ana Maria de Almeida Camargo helped expand the range of documents cataloged in archives
By Diego Viana

Pre-Hispanic sculpture
Ritual table used in ancient Mayan ceremonies restored
By Redação

Public intellectual
José Murilo de Carvalho reinvigorated the study of the elite and citizenship in Brazil
By Diego Viana

Website brings together titles of 16,000 documents on Brazilian independence
Website brings together 16,000 documents about Brazil’s independence, including historical people and monuments
By Redação

Agreement reached with the family of Henrietta Lacks
Henrietta Lacks’s family is compensated for unauthorized use of her cells
By Redação