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Letter from the editor | 73

A step that shows maturity

This issue of Pesquisa FAPESP marks the beginning of a new stage in the life of this magazine for the dissemination of science. From a publication with its circulation aimed at researchers of the state of São Paulo – whether they are to be found in universities, research institutions or companies -, science and technology editors of the national media and those who draw up and manage the science and technology policies all over the country, we are now evolving to a magazine with a wide circulation, open to every reader interested in science and technology, and in particular for what is going on within these domains in Brazil. A magazine accessible to all who want to systematically follow the often fascinating results of the most important research projects underway in São Paulo and in the rest of the country, in any area of knowledge, including the humanities; to those who wish to understand the their scientific, social and economic impacts; to those who want to get to know the state and national programs and policies aimed at scientific and technological development in Brazil, and to have a perception of all this with reference to international benchmarks, which appear in the news from abroad which we also publish. In short, Pesquisa FAPESP is opening itself up to every reader who wants to know how the structural component of contemporary societies – the Science & Technology duo – is really faring in this country. Because this is what the magazine tells, every month.

To make the opening of circulation feasible – something actually called for by prospective readers from all over the country – we have moved from exclusively free distribution to a mixed model, which includes the sale of copies and of subscriptions to the magazine – which is usually normal procedure for magazines for the dissemination of science published by institutions. The researchers in São Paulo will continue to receive free of charge, as ever, their copies of Pesquisa FAPESP, because the Foundation understands that offering these professionals relevant information, free of cost, on scientific and technological production is part of its institutional mission of supporting research in this state. In the same way, the Science & Technology editors and those who draw up and run the science and technology policies will remain on the magazine’s free mailing list. Because, with regard to the first, FAPESP understands that it is through them that it can explain on a large scale to the national public opinion the use it makes of the state of São Paulo taxpayers’ money. Funds that are due by constitutional prescript – in which projects it invests and with what results. And with regard to the others, it understands that it is part of the political function of the Foundation to systematically offer them information that contributes to the elaboration of joint strategies for national technological and scientific development, and for a wider, bolder and more integrated vision of the country’s possibilities in this field.

Pesquisa FAPESP’s model for economic sustainability in this new stage is supplemented by the publishing of advertisements, which is also a common practice of the science dissemination magazines published by institutions all over the world. In conclusion: this magazine, which has its origin in a modest bulletin of four pages, Notícias FAPESP , whose first issue was published in August 1995, and which, four years later, in October 1999, was transformed into Pesquisa FAPESP, has reached the stage of a solid, mature project, ready to face new challenges. And maturity with creative vigor is a trait of character that is especially dear to FAPESP in this, the year in which it completes 40 years of activities, always “turning the future into reality”, as the slogan that means to mark the date sums it up. As to the rest, good reading.
