
Unesp has a new president
Sandro Valentini is the new president of São Paulo State University
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Emojis and pokémons for science
Apps and emojis can be used to popularize science
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Tools for innovation
Forum discuss strategies to foster innovation in the Brazilian business sector
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The European GPS is coming
The new european GPS system should be running on November
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15th FCW prize

FCW prizewinners
Mathematician Jacob Palis and composer Edu Lobo are the winners
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A new crop of institutes
CNPq announced the projects being considered for the new request of the INCTs
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Invisible women
Initiative to combat a gender bias observed at scientific conferences
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Climate of recognition
Meteorologist Carlos Nobre was awarded the Volvo Environment Prize
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Nobel Prize in Literature

My favorite composer
References to Dylan’s lyrics were found in medical articles
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INPE has a new director
Ricardo Magnus Osório Galvão is the institute's new director
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professor emeritus

Goldemberg, professor emeritus at USP
José Goldemberg has been awarded the title by the University of São Paulo
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Autophagy, topological transitions and molecular machines
Autophagy, topological transitions and molecular machines
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Scientific diplomacy in the Middle East
The first source of synchrotron light in the Middle East will operate this year
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InterNuvem USP

Access to the USP computational cloud
University opens up access to its cloud computing service
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James Watson Cronin

Loss in physics
American physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in 1980, died at age 84
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brain drain
Threats of layoffs in Russia
Government of Russia plans to dismiss government researchers
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A look into transgenics
Most Brazilians do not recognize how safe transgenic foods are
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Science and Women
Women and science
Website to boost scientific production by women in Brazil
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More Brazilians in Germany
The number of Brazilian students at German institutions rose in the last years
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Bunge award

Bunge award winners
The Foundation announced the list of winners of the 2016 edition
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Chinese super telescope
A Chinese radio telescope should be up and running in three months
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Studying the sea
A new unit of Unesp, the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Sea was opened
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animals for experiments

No-fly list for animals
Latam bans transport of animals used in research on its planes
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Signs of discrimination against African Americans
NIH will examine whether African American researchers are discriminated
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How Brexit could harm science
Brexit has caused consternation in the British scientific community
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shooting stars

On the lookout for falling stars
Astronomers have cameras set up in France to monitor meteors
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Award winners
Brazil won 12 awards at the International Science and Engineering Fair
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