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Detailed list of the approved projects (2)

01. Building up knowledge about sexuality in the light of the process of interaction between agents in the ambit of the public network: parents, students, teachers and staff
Coordinator:Alberto Olavo Advincula Reis
Institution:School of Public Health of the University of São Paulo
Units reached:State School “Seminário Nossa Senhora da Glória”
City:São Paulo

The project aims at acquiring knowledge about sexuality conveyed by the actors who interact in the school space, with the purpose of drawing up and implementing a proposal for sexual education covering the group of subjects involved: teachers, staff, parents and students the State School Nossa Senhora da Glória/SP. A qualitative methodology will be used, making it possible to map out the issues and to assess them in depth.

02. Professional development of the teachers and transformation at school
Coordinator:Alda Junqueira Marin
Institution:School of Sciences and Literature/Araraquara State University of São Paulo
Units reached:Primary Schools Luiza Petrilli, and Angelina Lia Rolfsen

The project has a double proposition: the dissemination and concomitant production of knowledge about primary schools. Its has as the objectives of its research the investigation of teachers, their professional development, the role of ongoing education and of research in the transformation of the school. In parallel, it also aims the development and perfection of techniques of reflection for teaching staff.

03. Revisiting pedagogical practice: inter-ethnic relations in state secondary schools of São Paulo
Coordinator:Ana Maria de Niemeyer
Institution:Institute of Philosophy and Humanities of the StateUniversity of Campinas
Units reached:Primary and High School EEPSG Francisco Brasiliense
City:São Paulo

This is a research-teaching project on inter-ethnic relations. The study will be carried out at two public schools on the outskirts of São Paulo. We will make use of images (videotapes, photos and drawings) and languages- musical, literary, written and oral. We will be working on the relation between race and gender.

04. Improvement in the quality of teaching thermodynamics in mid-level teaching at state schools
Coordinator:Ana Maria Pessoa de Carvalho
Institution:School of Education of the University of São Paulo
Units reached:Primary and High Schools Prof. Architiclino Santos; Rev. Mattathias G. dos Santos; Prof. Ennio Voss; Oswaldo Aranha; Alayde D.C. de Macedo; Miguel Munhoz Filho
City:São Paulo, Barueri

The objective is to improve the quality of the teaching of thermodynamics, through the use of diversified methodologies, based on constructivist learning theories, amongst which: texts on the history of science, open laboratories, experiments in demonstration, the use of videotapes and of open problems.

05. PRODUSP – Program for the Prevention and Treatment of the Use of Drugs in USP. Site: FEAUSP's Escola Aplicação (Linked to the School of Education of USP)
Coordinator:Arthur Guerra de Andrade
Institution:Institute of Psychiatry of the HC – School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo
Units reached:FEUSP's Escola Aplicação
City:São Paulo

This research project has the specific objective of diagnosing the pattern of use of drugs of the pupils at the Escola Aplicação School of the School of Education of the University of São Paulo (USP), for drawing up later prevention programs aimed at these pupils.

06. Environment and Atmospheric Sciences: the use of multimedia and of the Internet network in public secondary schooling
Coordinator:Carlos Afonso Nobre
Institution:National Institute for Space Research
Units reached:Primary and High School Joaquim Ribeiro
City:Rio Claro

Through the creation of an interactive multimedia program, resident in the Internet network, on the topics of the Environment and Atmospheric Sciences included in the Geography curriculum (and also, in part, of Physics and Chemistry) for secondary schools, the objective is to research the effectiveness of this tool to aid learning for secondary school pupils, and also to make the Internet network and efficient tool, integrated with the didactic process.

07. Science at School
Coordinator:Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz
Institution:Pro-Rectorate for Research of the State University of Campinas
Units reached:10 schools

The project has as objective the awakening of vocations for the sciences among primary school pupils of the city public network in Campinas. By creating the conditions for them to take an active part in projects in the areas of sciences, it will be contributing towards improving the quality of teaching. The projects will be developed by teachers at municipal schools, using teaching staff at Unicamp as consultants. This partnership will be made operational through the Alphanet network, being developed by the Municipal Government of Campinas, with the collaboration of FAPESP. Communciation via the network will also make it possible for teachers and pupils to clear up questions with advisors at Unicamp.

08. Research into Professional Public Teaching in the State of São Paulo. Institutional memory and the regional historical/spacial transformations
Coordinator:Carmen Sylvia Vidigal Moraes
Institution:School of Education of the University of São Paulo
Units reached:12 CEETEPS ( Technical High Schools and Colleges)
Cities:São Paulo, Amparo, Rio Claro, Campinas, Sorocaba, Santo André, Jaú, Botucatu, Tatuí and Ribeirão Preto

With the aim of contributing towards making student and teachers in the public schools sensitive to the importance of building and conserving historical memory, this project has the proposition of developing joint work, between the Paula Souza Center and the Memory Center of Education of USP's School of Education, and the Documentation and Memory Center at UNESP (CEDEM) for setting up documentary collections at the oldest professional technical schools in the state of São Paulo.

09. Program of support for formal schooling through science and culture clubs
Coordinator:Carolina Martuscelli Bori
Institution:Brazilain Institute for Education Science and Culture (IBECC)
Units reached:Science Clubs
Cities:Jacareí and Ribeirão Preto

IBECC propose the development of two studies in the public school network in the state of São Paulo, with the objective of supporting formal schooling through the action of the Clubs of Science and Culture. These studies, located respectively in Ribeirão Preto and Jacareí will be carried out through subsidies offered by a central operational nucleus, installed in IBECC's offices and managed by an automated system.

10. Research project in partnership: Unicamp and EEPSG Barão Geraldo de Rezende
Coordinator:Célia Maria de Castro Almeida
Institution:School of Education – Unicamp
Units reached:Primary and High School Barão Geraldo de Rezende

Research project to be carried through the collaboration between lecturers from the State University of Campinas and teachers from primary and high school Barão Geraldo de Rezende, located in Campinas. It seeks to establish a relation between theory and practice, essential for the implementation of actions that aim the modification of pedagogical work, searching the improvement in the quality of public schooling. Through of a methodology of action at the school that combines investigation and pedagogical action, the project has the objective of contributing towards a transformation in society, and not the mere solution of immediate problems.

11. Preserving the memory of public schooling: Escola Applicação (FEUSP), 1959-1999
Coordinator:Diana Gonçalves Schmidt
Institution:School of Education – USP
Units reached:São Paulo Regional Center of Educational Research Prof. Queiroz Filho (CRPE/SP)
City:São Paulo

Founded in 1959, from the creation of two experimental 1st grade classes of the then primary schooling, at the São Paulo Regional Center of Educational Research Professor Queiroz Filho, the Escola de Demostração (Demonstration School), afterwards (in 1972) the Escola de Aplicação (Application School (FEUSP)), had, and still has, its history marked by the experiments of pedagogical methods and practices. Used by teachers from São Paulo (and from the whole south-east and southern region) who went on courses offered by CRPE/SP for the observation of pedagogical practices, the school opened itself up for interchange with Latin American countries. In 1972, the school came to be attached to the School f Education (FEUSP), acting as a field for observation for teachers and for training of students at FEUSP. The Education Memory Center (FEUSP), in recognition of the importance of the documentation in the school's custody, has proposed this preservation project.

12. Network for teaching physics at a distance
Coordinator:Dietrich Schiel
Institution:Psychics Institute – USP/São Carlos
Units reached:10 schools
Cities:São Carlos and Ribeirão Preto

Public schools will be interconnected via computer network. At first, a project for teaching mechanics will be developed, using specially designed equipment (a puck air table) and experimental procedures and graphs to analyze the trajectories. The trajectories will be simulated in LOGO program language drawn up by the pupils. The results will be shared through the network with all the participants schools.

13. Network for teaching physics at a distance – Part II – quantitative analysis of images of movement, an activity for secondary school pupils
Coordinator:Dietrich Schiel
Institution:Institute of Physics -USP/São Carlos
Units reached:10 schools
Cities:São Carlos and Ribeirão Preto

The intention in this project is to check systematically the indications that arose in a previous project (please see below) that a system of communications at a distance, with the WWW, provides a motivating environment for the pupil and hence increases his/her performance at school. Besides opening up educational research, the proposition is to improve the experimental proposal and the software used. It is hoped to achieve a package for teaching mechanics, appropriate to great projects for teaching on the spot and at a distance.

14. The Museum of Art and the public school: enriching exchanges
Coordinator:Dilma de Melo Silva
Institution:Museum of Contemporary Art – USP (MAC)
Units reached:EMPG Theodomiro Dias
City:São Paulo

The project aims at carrying out joint research between the MAC and Theodomiro Dias school, through the discipline of Artistic Education, optimizing the uses of the museum's collection, qualifying the teachers, and expanding the area of activity of the Division of Education.

15. “Museum, education and play”, which is part of the project “The Museum of Art and the public school: enriching exchanges”
Coordinator:Dilma de Melo Silva
Institution:Museu de Arte Contemporânea – USP
Units reached:EMPG Theodomiro Dias
City:São Paulo

A project in the area of art / education, which surveys the development of a ludic methodology in the process of teaching and learning about art in a museum with a public of children, through the creation, construction and application of games, fun, and of playful, symbolic, expressive and meaningful activities. The project will bring as a result the implementation of equipment tried out in the recently created space for play at MAC-USP, which is a pioneer for Brazilian museums, with a collection of games – a laboratory with art educational amusements.

16. Improvement in the environmental comfort of municipal school buildings in Campinas
Coordinator:Doris Catharine Cornelie Knatz Kowaltowski
Institution:School of Civil Engineering – Unicamp
Units reached:Primary Schools Padre Domingos Zatti; Profa. Dulce Bento Nascimento; Edson Luiz de Lima Souto; Dr. João Alves dos Santos; Padre José Narciso Vieira Ehrenberg, Profa. Anália Ferraz da Costa Couto; Padre Avelino Canazza; Prof. Benevenuto de Figueiredo Torres; Ciro Exel Magro; Elvira Muraro; Padre Floriano Peixoto; Pres. Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco

The project provides for an assessment of environmental comfort – functional, thermal, acoustic and luminous of the municipal schools of Campinas, by means of observations, measurements and questionnaires. The objective is to show that the physical environment interferes with performance at school, and that simple constructive measures may contribute towards the improvement of public schooling.

17. Information and education services, library and school: new paradigms
Coordinator:Edmir Perrotti
Institution:School of Communications and Arts – USP
Units reached:EMPG Prof. Roberto Mange
City:São Paulo

Through the implementation and development of a School Library, the project will seek to systematize the conceptual, methodological and operational points of reference, necessary for redefining the current relationship between Education and the Library in the country. The project will gather researchers from ECA/USP and from the school, as well as a group of French researchers who will be carrying out similar work in France, at the same time, and giving support to the Brazilian project.

18. Mathematics laboratory at EEPSG Profa. Landia Santos
Coordinator:Elza Furtado Gomide
Institution:Institute of Mathematics and Statistics – USP
Units reached:Primary and High School Profa. Landia Santos
City:Ferraz de Vasconcelos, SP

The project's objective is to study how learning evolves when one tries to stimulate various competencies. This project includes not only the setting up of a mathematics laboratory but also an assessment of its results, by observation and monitoring the classes.

19. Cooperative research aiming at the restructuring of the ETAEPaulo Guerreiro Franco
Coordinator:Eneida Elisa Mello Costa
Institution:Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture – USP
Units reached:Agricultural Technical High School Paulo Guerreiro Franco
City:Vera Cruz

The proposal diagnoses and proposes a research plan that aims at the restructuring of the School Paulo Guerreiro Franco, in Vera Cruz, SP. The project proposes to research ways of improving full qualifications in farming and cattle raising and to study the impact of boarding on the training and professional qualification of the young men at the Agricultural School. The approach will be basically qualitative, using the case study technique.

20. Teaching modern optics – qualifying teachers, developing experiments and demonstrations: impact on public schooling
Coordinator:Ernst Wolfgang Hamburger
Institution:Institute of Physics – USP
Units reached:Primary and High School Prof. Architiclino Santos, Yervant Kissajikian, Profa. Ana P.Duarte Paes, Mario Marques de Oliveira, Olimpio Catão, EscolaSenai Santos Dumont, Escola State Technical School Fernando Prestes, 12th District of Schooling, High School Nossa Senhora da Penha, Colégio Barão de Mauá, Experimental Public School Bento
Cities:São Paulo and Araraquara

This project aims at investigating the use of kits and demonstrations in the classroom andto assess theircontribution in the teaching of optics in the secondary school. These experiments stress the concepts of modern physics (such as the photon) and practical applications, in particular with laser. This didactic material will be followed by a series of virtual experiments (experiments and exercises carried out on personal computers). The kits will be prepared in partnership with the very teachers who will be using them, which makes it possible for them to be suitable to the concrete needs in the classroom.

21. Improvement in the quality of technical / agricultural teaching through applied research to prove the technical, economic and ecological feasibility of using worm humus as fertilizer for vegetables
Coordinator:Euclides Caxambú Alexandrino de Souza
Institution:College of Agrarian and Veterinarian Sciences – Unesp/Jaboticabal
Units reached:José Bonifácio Technical Farm College

The integration of all the educational segments of the José Bonifácio Technical Farm College, in Jaboticabal, around applied research to produce knowledge about the technical, economic and ecological feasibility of recycling organic excrement of animal origin, which, transformed into worm humus, will be used as additives to chemical fertilizers in various crops. Implementing this research will put into practice the cultural interchange of the lecturers from various departments of this school and those of the Technical Farm College, guaranteeing the improvement in the quality of professional training.

22. Development of a pilot laboratory for High School
Coordinator:Euclydes Marega Junior
Institution:Institute of Physics – USP/São Carlos

This project aims fundamentally at carrying out research and development of instructional material and experimental techniques so they can they be concretely introduced into laboratory practices in biology, physics and chemistry in secondary school teaching. The intention is to bring together the effort of the lecturers at the two public universities located in São Carlos, USP and UFSCar, and teachers at primary and high schools, to carry out a pilot laboratory jointly. In developing this work, with the construction and assembly of sets of experimental practices for each one of the disciplines, the renowned Primary School Experiment Collection will be used as a model. This was developed by the Center for Scientific and Cultural Dissemination (CDCC), of the University of São Paulo in São Carlos. The collection has 60 kits and ten years of development and usage. It is now in fully operational in over 30 institutions, spread over 13 different states in the country.

23. Improvement in the quality of professional schooling
Coordinators:Galeno José de Sena/Janio Itiro Akamatsu
Institution:School of Engineering – Unesp/Guaratinguetá
Units reached:Industrial High School f Guaratinguetá/Unesp and State Technical School Prof. Alfredo de Barros Santos/ CEETEPS

The project aims to support new methodologies for teaching, which will be able to meet the challenges of the modern world and the objectives laid down by the new law of guidelines and bases in education. The impact expected is the improvement in public professional training, the qualification of teachers, and the reformulation of their curriculums, with a view to drawing up a basic, general and humanistic proposal for professional education, incorporating technological advances and the new requirements of the labor world.

24. Labor methodology in public schools, transfer of methodology, analysis and assessment
Coordinator:Heloísa Szymanski Ribeiro Gomes
Institution:Program of Post-Graduate Studies in The Psychology of Education – PUC/SP
Units reached:Primary School Jair de Andrade, Primary and High School Giulio David Leone
City:São Paulo

The Labor pedagogical proposal was conceived as an alternative to lessen the levels of failure, dropping out, and low level of schooling. The research project deals with the assessment of the method for the transfer of the Labor pedagogical proposal to public schools. Through a personalized course for teachers at two public primary schools and observation of the results of this course, the intention is to assess the effectiveness of the proposal and of the method of passing it on, and to perfect them.

25. Specific qualification for the teaching profession
Coordinator:Iole de Freitas Druck
Institution:Institute of Mathematics and Statistics – USP
Units reached:Primary and High School Carlos Maximiliano P. Santos, Center for the Formation of Teachers (CEFAM).
City:São Paulo

The project has the objective of making an overall and systematic assessment of the Implementation of the Curricular Proposal for Mathematics of State Department of Education in two of HEM's schools.

26. Implementation of a Junior Company in a state professional schooling institution
Coordinator:James Patrick Maher
Institution:School of Education – Unicamp
Units reached:Professional High School Deputado Salim Sedeh – CEETEPS

The research/action defines as its strategy the implementation of a junior company, as an entrepreneurial venture put into effect by the pupils of a given course, who, still in the process of professional training, are sufficiently skilled for an early introduction into the job market. The hypothesis we put forward is that this early introduction tends not only to motivate the pupil with regard to his professional performance, but above all to guarantee an improvement in the quality of teaching.

27. The ongoingtraining of teacher at work: revision of the practice of the teaching of physics
Coordinator:Jesuína Lopes de Almeida Pacca
Institution:Institute of Physics – USP
Units reached:8 schools of the 2nd School District of São Paulo
City:São Paulo

The project is part of a Program for Updating Teachers, the purpose of which is to prompt reflection on their pedagogical and didactic practice, and to help them to reorganize, based on content clarification and of didactic activities.

28. Improvement in public schooling in the state of São Paulo – basic schooling, 1st to 4th grades
Coordinator:Jorge Nagle
Institution:Humanities Center – UMC
Units reached:EEPG Prof. De Oliveira Mello
City:Mogi das Cruzes

Pedagogical experiment of a comprehensive nature, since it involves all the teaching staff of the 1st to 4th grades of basic education. It is also globalizing, because it has proved to integrate the school and the local community. As applied research with guidance on the question of educational/scholastic innovations, it should involve a variety of persons from the university, even with a view to linking teaching/research/mature studies.

29. Development of new methodologies for teaching physics in the secondary school
Coordinator:José Silvério Edmundo Germano
Institution:Technological Institute of The Air Force (ITA)/MAER
Units reached:Primary and High School Prof. Estevam Ferri
City:São José dos Campos

The implementation of a new method for teaching physics in the secondary school through of the use of the resources of information technology is the main proposal of this work. Last year, it implemented, with relative success, a method using resources of IT in the practice of basic science, in the engineering course of the Technological Institute of the Air Force (ITA). Our proposition is to adapt this experience.

30. Project to integrate communication technologies in the teaching/learning process for reading and writing of the hearing impaired
Coordinator:Leland Emerson McCleary
Institution:Municipal Department of Education/PMSP
Units reached:Anne Sullivan Municipal Primary School for the Education of Hearing Impaired
City:São Paulo

In partnership with the School of the Future/USP, the Anne Sullivan Municipal Primary School for the Education of Hearing Impaired pal Infant and Primary School for the Education of the Hard of Hearing intends to develop a research project, in which the use of new technological resources for communication meansanimprovement in the conditions of teaching/learning of reading and writing by the students.

31. School assessment and public schooling: ongoing training for teachers inpublic schooling
Coordinator:Luiz Carlos de Freitas
Institution:School of Education – Unicamp
Units reached:3rd District of Schooling of Campinas

The proposition is for a program of ongoing training for teachers of the initial years of the primary school, to last four years, for the 3rd District of Schooling of Campinas. The main instrument will be the development of a specialization/extension education course, with a duration of one year, offered annually to 40 teachers in the initial years, reaching 160 by the end of four years. In conjunction, compiling a census of the flow of students pupils will make it possible to accompany the impacts of the program on the public network.

32. The school: a center of memory and production of culture
Coordinator:Luiz Roberto Alves
Institution:School of Communication and Arts – USP
Units reached:Primary School Raul Fonseca
City:São Paulo

This works associates the university with the public primary school, and consists of collecting stories and cases from the population of the outskirts of the metropolis, its systemization, and its organization in a database on popular cultures. Along with this, a work of reflection on the categories that make up the historical memory of the people and the relations between the living material of daily life and its presence in the media of mass communication.

33. Program for teaching the Phanerogamic Flora of the State of São Paulo project
Coordinator:Luiza Sumiko Kinoshita
Institution:Institute of Biology – Unicamp
Cities:Campinas, Santos, São Carlos, São Paulo

The project aims at applying knowledge and experience acquired with the thematic project on Phanerogamic Flora of the State of São Paulo in public primary and high schools. As a result, it is hoped that new methods for the practical teaching of botany will be developed, with an interdisciplinary point of view, and bringing awareness to the students and changing their attitude, so that they adopt a critical and active with relation to environmental problems.

34. Environmental education to an aid to the school of the future: case study of Corumbataí Basin, SP
Coordinator:Magda Adelaide Lombardo Fruehauf
Institution:Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences – Unesp
Units reached:Primary School Coronel Joaquim Salles, EEPSG Joaquim Ribeiro
City:Rio Claro

The focus of this work will be the dissemination of the problems caused by man, which result in environmental impacts in the Rio Claro region. To do so, the attempt will be made to develop the capacity for analysis and observation of their surrounding environment in primary and high school pupils.

35. Daily life and the production of knowledge
Coordinator:Mansur Lutfi
Institution:School of Education – Unicamp
Units reached:Primary and High School . Architiclino Santos
City:São Paulo

This applied educational research will be research/action, and will take place in the Primary and High School Prof. Architiclino Santos, in São Paulo. It will involve 40 teachers, from all disciplines, between 1996 and 2000. There will be seven subprojects which, in a multidisciplinary manner, will study the production of knowledge in the ambit of daily life at school. Integrating methodologies, as a study of social space, and environmental education, as well as a stimulus for registering practice and access to technologically more efficient forms of communication.

36. Technological adaptation in the teaching of data processing, using information technology resources in technical schooling
Coordinator:Márcio Luiz de Andrade Netto
Institution:School of Electrical Engineering – Unicamp
Units reached:Technical College of Campinas – Unicamp

The project has as its objectives: a) diagnosing the major sources of error in computer programming, to define and apply new methodologies of teaching to permit higher quality software; b) adapting methodologies; c) studying the results of the methodologies applied as far as the quality of the software developed by the pupils is concerned; d) making it possible to spread the results to other schools.

37. Pre-project for applied research on teaching at “farm colleges” and rural schools
Coordinator:Maria Aparecida Anselmo Tarsitano
Institution:Ilha Solteira School of Engineering- Unesp
Units reached:State Agricultural Technical School Jales

This is an applied research project on the teaching to be carried out at State Agricultural Technical Schools (ETAEs). At the outset, it will be implemented in the ETAE in Jales, and will be developed in the following stages: 1) diagnosis of the school, through the data collection and questionnaires; and 2) a Study Cycle with Educators, which will make it possible to verify the level of knowledge of the teaching body.

38. Reflection on pedagogical action as a strategy for modifying the elementarypublic school, from the point of view of ongoing training at the workplace.
Coordinator:Maria da Graça Nicoletti Mizukami
Institution:Center for Education and Humanities – UFSCar
Units reached:Primary and High Prof. Luís Augusto de Oliveira
City:São Carlos

This is a research project on ongoing training of teachers at the place of work, which adopts the constructive/collaborative model, bearing in mind an improvement in the quality of teaching and overcoming failure at school. The main objective is to promote the professional development of the teachers at an elementary public school, favoring the proper use of various spaces of knowledge. The intention is also to assess the methodology adopted for ongoing training.

39. Pre-project: organizing and systematizing activities related to the teaching of Portuguese at a primary and secondary school
Coordinator:Maria Helena de Melo Flores Guinle
Institution:Center for Humanities – UMC
Units reached:Primary and High School Profa. Laurinda Cardoso Mello Freire
City:Mogi das Cruzes

This is research that has the objective of diagnosing the current state of teaching Portuguese at a primary and high school from the state public network. After the diagnosis, the continuation of the research project implies the proposition of systematic reflection with the teaching body on strategies applicable to the improvement of the mechanisms for putting into operation the teaching of the native language. As this is research in action, making a diagnosis, there will be the consecutive and concomitant stages of strategic planning and execution, presupposing a continuous and systematic assessment of the data, as well as a re-assessment of the course of the research project.

40. Mathematics – on the job training of teachers from the initial years
Coordinator:Maria Ignez de Souza Vieira Diniz
Institution:Institute of Marthematics and Statistics – USP
Units reached:Municipal Primary Schools: Laerte Ramos; João Pedro; Fernão Dias; Carlos, Maximiliano P. Santos
City:São Paulo

The project aims at making an overall and systematic assessment of training in mathematics, through the analysis of four distinct groups of teachers from the initial grades. The objective is to analyze how the differences in the organizational nature of the school and the training of its teachers modify learning. There will also be an analysis of the way that this change is transferred to the classroom and, consequently, how the learning conditions are altered for the students of these teachers.

41. Implementation of a chemistry
Coordinator:Maria Izabel Maretti Silveira Bueno
Institution:Institute of Chemistry – Unicamp
Units reached:High School Prof. Norberto de Souza Pinto

The current project aims at contributing towards an improvement in the quality of public schooling in the state of São Paulo, through the implementation of a chemistry laboratory, in the first instance, and of a multiple-use one, in the second instance, at the Norberto de Souza Pinto State High School. Preliminary studies have shown that carrying out pedagogical activities of an experimental nature makes a significant contribution to reducing the levels of dropping out as well as to the improvement of performance at school.

42. Physical knowledge at the fundamental level: from ongoing training programs to the implementation of new practices in the teaching of Sciences
Coordinator:Maria Lúcia Vital dos Santos Abib
Institution:School of Education – USP
Units reached:State Schools Aurélio de Campos; José Altenfelder Silva; Guilherme Kuhlmann; José Hermenegildo Leoni; David Eugênio dos Santos
City:São Paulo

This is work of intervention and research that has as its main goal the analysis of alternatives for the improvement of the training of teachers and of the teaching of sciences at the fundamental level, through the development of a program of ongoing teacher training and for the teaching of sciences at the fundamental level in the schools from the state public network, developing a program of ongoing training where the implementation of activities of physical knowledge are discussed.

43. Nutritional education at primary public schools
Coordinator:Marina Vieira da Silva
Institution:Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture – USP

This work integrates the University of São Paulo, the Municipal Department of Education, and two state primary schools in Piracicaba/SP, with the goal of analyzing the content of education for health, and nutritional/food education. It is inferred that the results of research may be expanded to the whole primary schooling network in Piracicaba.

44. Music at school – aesthetic sensibilities at the service of the quality of life
Coordinator:Marisa Trench de Oliveira Fonterrada
Institution:Institute of Arts – Unesp
Units reached:State School Seminário Nossa Senhora da Glória
City:São Paulo

With this project, the intention is to encourage the introduction of music as an accessory to other disciplines (transdisciplinarity) and the practice of music by the school community. This practice will be carried out by means of the creation of instrumental and vocal groups, run by grant-holding students, under the supervision of specialized teachers from Unesp's Institute of Arts. The intention is to assess the influence of music on school life and on the attitude of the children and adolescents reached by the project.

45. Geosciences and the ongoing training of teachers in the exercise of fundamental schooling
Coordinator:Maurício Compiani
Institution:Institute of Geosciences – Unicamp
Units reached:9 public schools
Cities:Campinas, Jaguariúna, Vinhedo

This project is an enlargement of the initiatives that have been carried out in the vicinity of Campinas, regarding the formation of teachers in geosciences . This work emphasizes the teacher's work at the classroom and is based on construtivistic approach .

46. Research into the EDMC (Education at a Distance Mediated by Computer) methodology, and its application to the needs of professional training in theState of São Paulo
Coordinator:Maurício Prattes de Campos Filho
Institution:Institute of Information Technology – PUC Campinas
Units reached:State Educational and Technological Center Paula Souza (CEETEPS)

The objectives are to investigate the EDMC methodology and its constructivist proposal in the ambit of professional schooling; to develop, apply and measure techniques for education at a distance directed towards professional schooling carried out by a partner institution (CEETEPS) in this project; to compare the results obtained through the use of the methodology with those to be seen in traditional schooling.

47. Improvement in schooling through the joint and cooperative action betweenuniversity and the state public primary and high school
Coordinator:Miguel Henrique Russo
Institution:School of Philosophy, Sciences and Literature – USF
Units reached:Primary and High School Paulo Silva and and Primary School José Guilherme
City:Bragança Paulista

The project proposes ways of joint action between São Francisco University and the State public primary and secondary schools located in the municipality of Bragança Paulista, with a view to an improvement in schooling. The theoretical fundamentals are those of reflective and transforming action. The methodology is one of research/action.

48. University/public school
Coordinator:Nélio Marco Vincenzo Bizzo
Institution:SchooFaculty of Education – USP

The project aims at making the teaching of sciences at primary and secondary dynamic, by carrying out scientific experiments with schools in São Paulo, from other states and from abroad (botany, biochemistry, water pollution and other areas). Included in the practical activities are the use of the computer and of electronic networks.

49. Science for All
Coordinator:Paulo Arruda
Institution:Center for Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering – Unicamp
Units reached:36 state schools
Cities:Campinas and region

The Science for All project comprises a series of activities, including Holiday Courses, Cycles of Seminars in the area of Education, Supervised Attachments, Program of Ongoing Activity, and Accompanied Visits at schools for fundamental and secondary education. The project aims at serving teachers and students from the secondary level of the public school network in the Campinas region, regarding to the perfecting of the contents of the curricula and the improvement in the practices of teaching sciences. It also aims at identifying youngster with talent for Science.

50. Development and evaluation of didactic chemistry material for high school teaching
Coordinator:Reiko Isuyama
Institution:Chemistry Institute – USP
Units reached:14th Education Office of the State of São Paulo

This is a pilot project that will be developed through the 14th Education Office with the objective of producing and evaluating didactic material for the teaching of chemistry at high school level. For its evolution, the project will take as its base the chemistry course named “Telecurso 2000” ( High School TV course for adults). The transformation of this course, which is a supplementary course, into a regular course will be done so as to include new course material.

51. Integrating the school and the university through research into teaching
Coordination:Rosângela Doin de Almeida
Institution:Biosciences Institution – Unesp
Units reached:Elementary Schools Prof. Heloisa Lemente Marasca, and Prof. Marcelo Mesquita, Education Office of Rio Claro
Location:Rio Claro, Limeiras and Ipeúna

The research will focus on the development of teaching methods related to local studies on aspects such as history, geography and the environment. It will be carried out by teachers of the state educational system of the cities of Rio Claro, Limeira and Ipeúna. The research will be applied to primary school classes from 4th to 9th Grades.

52. Program of applied research on the improvement of public school teaching in the State of São Paulo. Language practices in primary school teaching: circulation and appropriation of the genres of discourse and of the building of knowledge
Coordination:Roxane Helena Rodrigues Rojo
Institution:Program of Post Graduation Studies in Applied Linguistics.Language Teaching – PUC- SP
Units reached:Primary and High School Our Lady of Glory Seminary
Location:São Paulo

The project's objectives are: (a) to investigate language practices and the styles of discourse in circulation in a primary school, in all of the academic areas being taught; (b) to instruct teachers and educators in the construction of didactic practices, discursively and socio-historically founded; (c) to convert the school into a radiating center for this building (via the internet/Education at distance).

53. The integration of computers into primary mathematics classes: the formation and development of a teaching research center
Coordination:Sandra Maria Pinto Magina
Institution:Center of Exact Sciences and Technology – PART/PUC – SP
Units reached:Primary and High School Marina Cintra
Location:São Paulo

The project has as its goal the integration of the computer as a powerful tool into mathematics classes. Consequently, the center intends to be an open forum for the formation of teachers and students. The methodology will be that of action-reflection-action and the criteria of evaluation will be both quantitative (diagnostic testing) and qualitative (interviews and case studies).

54. The qualification of primary schooling and the formation of teachers
Coordination:Selma Garrido Pimenta
Institution:School of Education – USP
Units reached:Primary and High School Prof. Ayres de Cunha
Location:São Paulo

The research that we are proposing aligns itself with the investigative tendency that values the formation of reflective teachers in an teaching organization. It has as its objective an analysis of the changes in the practices and in the pedagogical theories of the school staff (teachers and coordinators) using a methodology of pedagogical intervention that emphasizes the collective building of knowledge in the work place.

55. The study and development of an environment brought about computers based on the Internet, taking into consideration the exploration and building of knowledge beginning with the reality of a primary sector school
Coordinator:Sergio Ferreira do Amaral
Institution:Faculty of Education – Unicamp
Units reached:State School Sergio Pereira Porto

Research, development and application of presumed theories-methodologies, involving the process of teacher formation, with respect to the understanding and the use of environment mediated by computers based on the Internet network. To make possible the execution of the project, the installation of a computer room is expected.

56. Space and form: the construction of geometric ideas for children of the first four Grades of primary schooling
Coordinator:Tania Maria Mendonça Campos
Institution:Center of Exact Sciences and Technology – PUC – SP
Units reached:CEFAM and EEPG Edmundo Carvalho
Location:São Paulo

The project proposes an investigation into problems related to the teaching of geometry, looking to obtain replies to the following questions. How do our children construct their ideas of formal space? In which ways do teachers position themselves in the face of the relationship between the pupil and geometrical knowledge? What vision does the pupil have of the variables that determine the didactic situation in the teaching-learning of geometry?

57. Moral autonomy and the construction of a democratic school
Coordinator:Ulisses Ferreira de Araújo
Institution:School of Education – Unicamp
Units reached:Municipal Agenor Vedovelo

The research project proposes to intervene in a public school in the State of São Paulo, with the objective of helping the community in the construction of the moral autonomy of its members and of more democratic relationships in the school.

58. Environmental education by way of an integrated vision of water basins and sold residue waste
Coordinator:Valdir Schalch
Institution:Chemistry Institute of São Carlos – USP
Units reached:Primary and High Schools Sebastião de O. Rocha; Péricles Soares; Archimedes A. M. Carvalho; Gabriel F. do Amaral; Ludgero Braga; João Jorge Marmorato; Aracy L.P. Lopes
Location:São Carlos

The present project fundamentally aims at the development of didactic materials related to the program of environmental education, through an integrated vision of the local water basin and the problems of the local environment.

59. The training of high school teachers in mathematics
Coordination:Vinício de Macedo Santos
Institute:School of Sciences and Technology of Presidente Prudente -Unesp
Units reached:CEFAM and the Specific Teachers Centers of Presidente Prudente (two primary schools from 2nd to 5th Grades)
Location:Presidente Prudente

The project intends to work on the formation of current teachers and future teachers in the area of mathematics at the level of secondary schooling, beginning with work on the analysis and reflection of the difficulties of the primary pupils of 2nd to 5th Grades, with mathematical school curriculum material. The work will be developed bya team composedof university professors, experienced teachers and trainee class teachers.

60. Effectiveness of an educational program on drug use and sexual behavior of pupils in the public school network of the State of São Paulo
Coordination:Wagner Farid Gattaz
Institution:Medical Faculty – USP
Units reached:EESG Prof. Antonio Alves Cruz
Location:São Paulo

Summary of the project: 1. Epidemiological survey of the level of use of drugs and of sexual behavior in a sample of 1,200 pupils from both primary and secondary levels. 2. The elaboration and ministration of an educational program over a two year period. 3. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the program on the level of drug use and of sexual behavior.

61. Improvement in public schooling: the formation of teachers for the initial primary years in the HEM of Primary High School Prof. Maria Luiza Bastos, of Presidente Prudente
Coordinator:Yoshie Ussami Ferrari Leite
Institution:Faculty of Sciences and Technology of Presidente Prudente – Unesp
Units reached:RRPSG Prof. Maria Luiza Bastos
Location:Presidente Prudente

The basic problem to be researched is the didactic-pedagogical performance of the teachers in specific aptitudes needed in the teaching profession. To collectively produce, through research-action, knowledge that can assist in the qualification of teachers' pedagogical practice, in such a way as to manage to improve the quality of public schooling in the region of Presidente Prudente is the objective of the work.

62. Teaching material for the teaching of reading and writing to children, adolescents and adults in the municipality of Diadema
Coordinator:Zilda Márcia Gricoli Iokoi
Institution:School of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences – USP
Units reached:6 municipal schools and 1 kindergarten
Location:Diadema, SP

We are dealing with a project of applied research on teaching involving historical research of Diadema and the region of ABC from the present back to the 16th century, and the production of material for classroom work.
